
360 Inclusive

can Help

Commissioners and Professionals

As a commissioner, or service leader, within health and social care, you have a challenging role. On top of a general increase in demand, there will be a small number of people whose situations take up a disproportionate amount of your headspace, heart and likely your available budget. These complex cases will repeatedly flag for reasons including:

  • High cost out of area placement.
  • Delayed discharge from institutional settings.
  • Lack of local capacity with the required skills to support complex behaviours.
  • Lack of suitable housing.
  • “Revolving door” cases where off-the-shelf care provision or service models have been ineffective or caused harm/risk.
  • Reputational and legal challenges arising from misplaced hospital admission and associated harm to individuals.
  • Inappropriate Sectioning of Individuals with learning disabilities and or autism – a human rights issue impacted by proposed legal changes.

Standard commissioning approaches aren’t working for these people and fundamentally you worry about their well-being and know they are not getting the best life they could have.

360 Inclusive exists to work with you to find better outcomes for these most complex situations.

With many years of experience taking an asset-based approach, informed by clinical insight and knowledge of flexible funding models, 360 Inclusive can identify solutions to get people out of institutional settings and provide a fresh perspective on existing support arrangements to prevent (re)admissions and placement breakdowns.

Our comprehensive support to you can include:

  • Good Life Planning: By looking wider than needs and containing behaviours that challenge to identify the elements of a life worth living for each individual we can unlock the assets in communities that can help reduce the need for paid-for services.

  • Specialist Brokerage: Identifying and coordinating solutions for housing, support provision and strategies for managing complexity in the community.Expertise in flexible funding models to support bespoke plans included.

  • Independent Reviews: Looking at situations in crisis or at risk of breakdown to provide a clear, objective analysis of the issues, solutions and actions that will keep people safe and move from escalation of problems to a positive plan for ensuring the focus remains on the person’s good life.

Our bespoke approach is informed by your / an MDT’s specific concerns. We can bring a solution-focused, fresh perspective to a particular individual or more cost-effectively can work on a cohort of people that your system is feeling stuck with.

There is another way and together we can help tackle the situations that are keeping you awake at night.